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Sunday, July 18, 2010

UNY Registration 2010

Despite the announced result of selection via the Internet, the State University of Diponegoro University, Semarang and Semarang, still announce the results of University Entrance Selection Affairs (SNMPTN) 2010 manually on the print media. Insight watchlist Saturday morning, many of which mrema newspaper seller offers SNMPTN placard around campus Undip and Unnes Sekaran. So did their parents or prospective students who joined the test are still many who are looking for a newspaper, although an announcement could be seen on the internet.

"SNMPTN 2010 Announcement of results can be accessed online, but still put up Unnes Undip and announcements in newspapers," said Chairman of the Committee for Local 42 SNMPTN Semarang, Supriadi Rustad, overnight. He said the participants can see the announcement of the results SNMPTN 2010 through an online site that is provided, namely www.snmptn.ac.id begin Friday (16 / 7) at 18:00 pm.

However, he said, the participants are usually not enough when just looking on the internet and choose to see in the papers, so it still will facilitate this. In the new admissions through the path SNMPTN, he said, Undip provide quota for new students as much as 1619 people from a total quota of 8305 students.

"Unnes provide a quota of new students through SNMPTN of 1345 people, of the total quota of new students as many as 4859 people," said Supriadi who is also Vice Rector (PR) I Unnes it.

Snmptn Registration

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Snmptn UNY

Yogyakarta State University (YSU) is an elegant but modest university conveniently located in Sleman District of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Territory. Despite its relatively new status as a university, YSU still maintains a strong reputation as an educational institution which not only produces professional teachers and caters for the education sector but has now expanded into the fields of non-educational sector together in each faculty. In view of that, in order to have scientific encounters of inter-disciplines in educational and non-educational fields and to produce professional and qualified teachers besides qualified graduates of non-educational programs, YSU consciously and responsibly continues to improve itself, both internally and externally. Internally, the academic members of YSU continually work to consolidate and qualitatively improve its human and non-human resources. Externally, YSU tries to extend the cooperation networks to related parties in local, regional, national, and international levels.

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